growing up? or doubling down?

Launching my biz in Jan 2017 was a scary thing. I often joke “TALOOP is still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up.” 😏

Over the past (almost) 6 years, I’ve done everything from:

  • Biz Dev/Sales (white-label with client email addy)

  • Helped launch online courses

  • Curated and hosted IRL events

  • Provided social media strategy

  • Designed/art directed websites

  • Created email marketing sequences

  • Implemented cold outreach cadences

The list goes on.

The common denominator? Orchestrating a vision and putting those pieces together, whether people and/or services, to solve a thing.

In almost all cases, sales was that solve and my FAVORITE part. Hence listing it at the top.

Moving forward, I’m doubling down. My sole focus is being a rainmaker. If your business is:

Caught in the weeds of your sales rather than focusing on what you do best…

Needing an additional sales person to ramp up revenue…

Looking for an unbiased opinion on how your sales outreach and retainment could be improved…

And I believe in what you’re selling…

Let’s chat.

IMHO, sales encompasses more than just the call/close. It’s how you’re presenting yourself to the world, conducting on-going outreach, and where I find the magic (yet often forgotten about) persistent yet friendly followups.

What pressing questions do you have in regards to sales? 🧐

Just ping me back with your questions and I’ll do my best to touch on it at some point in these Golden Nuggets. 🙏 There’s nothing too silly or too large to ask. #ForeverAStudent

To doubling down on your best self!


the day i stopped faking it.


it’s that simple.